Lindsy Banks

Lindsy Banks

Lindsy is a Labor and Delivery nurse of almost 20 years living here in the Athens area. She is married with two kids and spends much of her free time traveling, playing games, going to sporting events, and spending lots of time in the pool during the summer. She also enjoys a good fiction book in her free time.

As a front-line caregiver of birthing people, Lindsy has seen a great need for better care of the whole person. Often there is great focus post-delivery on the baby and not enough follow-up and resources for the parents. APW is creating opportunities for parents to be seen, heard, cared for, and championed. Giving people a place to come when they are uncertain, scared, hurt, or just looking for another person to say, "You feel that way? Me too!" will have a forever impact on our community and future generations of parents.
